Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A thought on eve of Taxday

In the United States, Tax Day is the common term for the day on which tax returns (statements about income taxes) are due to the federal and state governments from U.S. citizens, resident aliens, and certain nonresident aliens. More specifically, this is the last day on which tax returns can be mailed (as postmarked) to avoid penalties, with some exceptions. In the United States, Tax Day has usually been April 15 since 1955.

What you feel when you pay your tax?
a) Patriotic
b) Humble
c) Compassion
d) Charitable
e) Cheated
f) Indifferent

My answer is E, definitely not a, b, c, d, f - Call me selfish, but,I like my money to be used the way I want.

I know i can not have my own Police, I want to use public road, I can not have my own Military, I can not have my own Court system / law and order... (I wish i can...) So I want Government, I want them to do those basic things that individual can not do, what I do not want them to do is to decide how to do enormous spending and add deficit for entitlement programs, I do not want to loose my freedom of choice, how i want to live or die. I want more independence, not dependence.

Social Security:
Social Security is the largest federal social welfare program in the United States. Started as part of the New Deal, it has grown steadily in scope and cost, and currently provides the principal source of income for nearly half of all retirees in the U.S. The Social Security program provides income for retired workers, their spouses and dependent children and benefits for the disabled.

I may come across as somebody, who has no heart, I had been advocating against any entitlement program, but if you are seeing what I am, you may agree with me.

I know several older immigrant gentleman, came at age of almost retirement(around 50 - 60) to this country, and worked with several low paying jobs, like gas station, Walmart, Krogar, for 10 - 12 years. And then suddenly decided to retire.I was wondering why... I did some study, and found a trend... whats going on on those 10-12 years.... They apply for green card, becomes Citizen, finish 40 credits for social security and qualify for Medicare.... Each and every case is same.....
Social Security Credits
: Previously called "Quarters of Coverage." As you work and pay taxes, you earn credits that count toward your eligibility for future Social Security benefits. You can earn a maximum of four credits each year. Most people need 40 credits to qualify for benefits. Younger people need fewer credits to qualify for disability or survivors’ benefits.

Loss of Freedom:
I have been asked on two separate instances from two different seniors to withdraw money every 10th of month for 3 months until they return from vacation from their home country. I was curious and asked why do you want me to do that. they acutally gave me their ATM cards and ATM Pins, can you believe it?
I was curious and have asked why do you want that, why don't you keep your money on your account? Ready for the answer... I was told, if they (Government) see money in my account they will reduce my Social security benefit, and told me some bad past experiences.
Do big brother looking at your accounts? how much money you have or keep? Is this not invasion of privacy? Are you not loosing your freedom here? Where are those advocacy group, who keep shouting at every leaf drop, for government who listen to your phone call to and from terrorist countries....

I know several immigrant to Canada, whose sole purpose to immigrate to Canada is their social program, their free health care system, their unemployment benefit system... their nanny state setup.

I know a mature gentleman who got laid off during this bad economical time. I know him to be very strong minded, healthy person, who would have worked at least for another 6-7 years if not 10, if not got laid off. He had put some serious efforts initially but lately i think he is not even trying. He told me recently, "This extended jobless benefit is making me complacent."

I know a young lady who do not want a job because what she might have earned from job was not good enough, not equal to the jobless benefit she is getting after paying for expenses for day care etc... It was hard for me to understand how can some one prefer to stay on government assistance rather than self-reliant...

I don't think this is right, those programs when designed was not designed for these, are they? Aren't they being misused? Aren't they making society weak, complacent, dependent, looser?

I guess not everyone a like, not everyone likes to work, not everyone like to achieve something in life, not every one wants to be self-reliant....

It is very easy to hold high moral ground and justify these entitlement programs, but they are not without serious consequences.
I think the role of government is to facilitate environment that is conducive to create stronger, independent, free society. By creating these entitlement programs government is doing more harm than good to society.

I have always been advocate of self-reliant society base system and not government base system. I came from India, where parents are responsible for raising kids, provide all support social or economical. And kids when grownup are responsible for providing same to parents when they need.

I do not want government to give education loans to students and make them dependent on government for education, I do not want government to provide me with health care and take my liberty to choose what do i need, I do not want government to give me social security when I am old.
I want to rely on my parent when i am dependent, and want to take care of my parents when they are dependent to me. I don't know about you but I want to rely on my blood line up or down more than some strange bureaucrats, congressmen or senators or president.

Have you noticed this: you must have read articles like the following:

I never liked - name calling Boomerang Kids, warning like.... Caution: Parents are often happy to help out, both emotionally and financially. As a result, the arrangement often works to everyone's satisfaction. However, there are risks, especially for the parents. These include family tension and misunderstandings, but also money.

I want to ask this: Who helped you first when time got tough? Parents or government? Who makes you comfortable just by looking at you with kind eye? Who give you selfless love, without expecting being compensated?

I think it's enough for today...
This is must watch view some one else on tax here (The View):

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