Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Making Illegal Illegal - Right or Wrong?

I want to talk to you a little bit about what's happening in Arizona, where they've just passed a strict Immigration bill. The lawmakers there have now passed a bill -- it's still making its way to the Arizona governor. She hasn't commented on this bill yet. She's got to be under incredible heat to not pass it. Or not sign it. Here's what it is. It will be the toughest piece of Immigration enforcement in the country. Now, get this: What Arizona is doing is they are making it illegal to be illegal.

Obviously, as expected civil rights groups began condemning the law; anti-immigration groups began applauding it; and enforcement officers have mixed opinions — and most of this has to do with the law’s effects on illegal immigrants and non-white communities alike.

Groups opposing this says, that means if you have dark skin, you have black hair, you will be stopped and officer will ask you paper work please.... don't you carry your driving license - will it not be enough to prove you are legal? and if you do not carry - most of the time you will be walking in your neighbour hood - invite officer to home or office (After checking his ID first) and show it... so where is the pain here....

Now check this out:
A whopping 57,000 Arizona citizens walk out to find their cars stolen every year. Mexican drug gangs use those vehicles for transport of their billion dollar enterprises. People traffickers use those stolen cars for the far-reaching illegal alien smuggling network that commences in Phoenix. Arizona schools suffer the children of an estimated 460,000 illegal alien migrants that crossed over the border in violation of federal laws. Arizona’s prisons remain full of illegal aliens while citizens and police suffer death at the hands of criminal aliens.
Last month, an illegal alien walked over the border to execute lifelong Arizona rancher Rob Krentz on his own property. National Parks Ranger Chris Eggle suffered death at the hands of a drug runner on the Arizona border at Organ Pipe National Park. Over the years, illegal aliens killed several Phoenix police officers: an illegal alien killed Officer Nick Erfle during a traffic stop. The alien enjoyed sanctuary immunity with multiple arrests by Mayor Gordon in Phoenix.

MY View:

I am legal non-resident alien and i think my voice is important here. I do not see any problem in this, if you are legal and you have no bad intention to bring your illegal relatives to this country. Biggest thing about pussy mentality of these groups is that they are ready to give free tickets to illegals to a minor inconvenience. Why is it bad for border states who have big problem of illegal immigration to take help of police to put extra check.

By this I am not against the other measures like punishing employer who give employment to person without SSN or making more stringent measures on borders to prevent people to cross border without proper paperwork.

I am from India and we have seen and suffered problems of illegals in border. Biggest root cause of India's terrorism problem is the illegals coming from Pakistan's border. Pussy government of India is not doing anything because they are afraid to offend so called minority Muslims in India, which i do not believe are minority anymore. Same way we have problem of illegal immigrant from Bangladesh and politicians are not doing anything about it, infect they are trying to make them legal to get votes out of them.

Please, put politics behind and control your border, you do not want the problem you will face if you don't...

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