Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Making illegal illegal - Brought out some illegal behavior in AZ

Former President Bill Clinton who once compared, in very nice words, tea party protesters with Oklahoma City bombers. When i have heard this news and seen this footage - i was wondering where is he or any other democrats?

A riot started by protesters against the new law in Arizona to toughen up enforcement on illegal immigration in Phoenix on April 23. Bottles were hurled at police and threats of violence that make even the rowdiest Tea Party look like a TEA PARTY....

You’ll see the bottles thrown here, striking police officers who try to usher a lone anti-illegal immigration protester from the scene for his own safety. This is View from Ground:

This is overhead view from copter for the same thing - clearly shows a fusillade of bottles being thrown at the Police

Why don't we see this on main stream media? CNN, NBC, MSNBC, Anyone...

Supposed “N” word thrown by a Tea Party protester? National News… without any proof

Bottles thrown at Police by Illegals? … crickets…

Jaws and legs broken as Repubs leave a Political Rally?… crickets…

Black Man beaten by SEIU thugs????… more crickets…

Something I have not reported in my last post on Making illegal illegal, the Mexican drug war has killed over 22,000 people… FIVE times US deaths in Iraq! You don’t hear much about that, either… do you? Bush is bad - got US troop to war.... and see how many causalities - media was running daily tellies like baseball or cricket score card... just before election to help wonder boy they loved so much isn't it and after election - everything gone...

This is the way the lawless support the lawless - This is what I was seeing it coming and talking about in my last post -

"I am from India and we have seen and suffered problems of illegals in border. Biggest root cause of India's terrorism problem is the illegals coming from Pakistan's border. Pussy government of India is not doing anything because they are afraid to offend so called minority Muslims in India, which i do not believe are minority anymore. Same way we have problem of illegal immigrant from Bangladesh and politicians are not doing anything about it, infect they are trying to make them legal to get votes out of them.

Please, put politics behind and control your border, you do not want the problem you will face if you don't..."

And here is President of United States... (Drum roll please...)
It's campaign time again for him!!! He has released this short web video where he tries to rally support for Democrats in the 2010 election similar to the turnout in the 2008 election. And has started using race card - he wants to use them to get Votes - look up the quote I have put from my previous post....

It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos and women who empowered our victory in 2008 stand together once again.

For you who don't trust us - here is his own words uncut...

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