Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama Won election what is next...

Some days back (before election) i had written an email to one of my long time idea contributor, who lean towards Obama.
Here is the content:
(Obama Says,) McCain is like Bush, look at his record, he voted 90% of time with Bush - we need change - Don’t trust what McCain says, look his records... But trust me - I will lower your tax - because I say so.. even though my records shows I have always voted for higher taxes all 94 times I got chance. Even though I have plans to spend another Trillion dollars + in new government spending on top of current deficit or equal amount.. I will produce this money by magic - I am Messiah, I can make rum out of water.. Trust me... Trust me... Trust me...
My plan will not increase any tax for people earning 250,000 Dollars, even though infomercial I endorsed say 200,000. that is just campaign gaffe. even though my running mate Biden say 150,000 - its another gaffe, it doesn’t matter... trust me... trust me... trust me...
I don’t believe in socialism, just spread the wealth around... Trust me... Trust me... Trust me...
some time it really makes me think, how one in right mind can agree that by increasing taxes to the corporations employing very high number or people can make them grow / make them. What principle of economy will make that happen? But again... Trust me... Trust me... Trust me...

My question remained stranded, as the response i got from him was "Well 1 more week ... and we will have 4 years to see what happens."
Election night was over - about 11 ESt it was declared, OBAMA is president elect. I went to bad after hearing his speech.
Next day on, co-incidentlly, i was travelling and I have visited two states. Minnesota and Long island, both blue. Every evening i am meeting so many people who voted for OBAMA, feel emotional about OBAMA. Iask the same question to them, how will OBAMA produce those 3 Trillion dollar for the deficite and the new expense. and no one yet have given me answer - but puzzled blank stare back to me.
But one of the barman gave me straight answer yesterday, he will not be able to find that money, and thus he will not be able to fulfill his promises he has given.
In other words, through out his campaign, while promissing to the people which he know he will not be able to fulfil. I mean, if i can think this much, i am sure, Mr Economy Expert, Obama, should be able to know - isnt it? and if it is, is it not called Dishonesty? i will let you decide...

Ok.. let us go ahead... i was watching, CNN, ABC and others, so called balanced medias (See some old posts), Other than, obviously repeatadly the same sound bytes from OBAMA victory speech. and all crying and happy and emotional African american, keep reciting the past - how bad it was - and how this victory is historical, how it is fulfilment of Dr King's Dream and so and so on....
But hiding in these emotional mumbo jumbo... they have started following a hiddne agenda...

Here is the part of speech, where Obama has given a cue to America - he will not be able to fulfil his promises.. sorry guys... i have used you, by promissing so much.... too bad now i am president elect - i dont need you - and here is what is coming....

The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there.
There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem.

So All the best guys... for your trust in his promises....
we talked about the tone he is setting, and now about media... they have started their assigned work... by Obama to help resetting the mass expectation low... and all the news channels i am hearing, has one message to pass "President Obama's First Step: Reset Expectations"
Here is what you should expect hearing now for few months to come:
  • The deficit will be more than $1 trillion a year for several years
  • The country needs a massive new fiscal stimulus
  • The housing market will continue to decline through at least 2010
  • Interest rates and taxes will eventually have to rise (after the economy stabilizes)
  • Weak corporations have to be allowed to fail
  • Millions of homeowners will lose their house
  • Unemployment will probably rise to 10%
  • The government simply cannot "bail the country out" -- not because it lacks the will, but because it lacks the power
So be ready for all the reversal of his promises... and as i am writting, this i have heard the news about New York mayor' Message "be ready for higher sales tax and income tax"

Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- New York City, , must roll back a property tax cut and reduce its workforce by 3,000 to help shrink a $4 billion budget gap over the next 18 months, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. The job cuts, including the firing of 500 workers, and a 7 percent property tax increase starting in January. He also seeks to rescind a $400 homeowner rebate, producing $256 million. "We cannot justify sending out the checks,'' Bloomberg said
The proposed increase in personal income tax would hit the middle class, costing those who earn $50,000 to $90,000 about $116 to $356 more next year, according to City Hall's estimates.
first indication - whats coming... All the best...

1 comment:

Kintu said...

Here are one more news:
Schwarzenegger calls for immediate tax increases, budget cuts..