Friday, March 26, 2010

Interesting Video from Jason Mattera

Author of the book Obama Zombies, Jason Mattera has recently posted this interesting video on Youtube....
He walked into the halls of Congress, into the Capitol, and was walking down the hallway with Alan Grayson and was just introducing himself and being very friendly and talking about the health care bill and congratulating him on having such a big part of its passage. So, Grayson is warming up to him and starts to ask him about his favorite parts of the bill and the reporter asked Grayson what he liked best about it and Grayson starts telling him. And then he says, Well, what about these other provisions that are in the bill?
You must see this to know what happens next... I will only say this...
Congressman Alan Grayson ran into someone who apparently knew a bit more about the healthcare bill than he did. When asked about why he would vote for a bill that supported giving taxpayer dollars for treatment of convicted sex offenders, Grayson seemed appalled and had no idea he voted for exactly that.

Note from My View: Is that really happened? Have they passed something just because they think they had to without really knowing in entirety of whats in it? How many other things like this is in The Bill?

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